Sunday, August 22, 2010


assalamulaikum?,.today is 22.08.2010.well its been almost a month my status are became someone "tunang". :) and i have finish my first sem in politeknik kota kinabalu DIPLOMA IN BUSINESS far so good in my not a girl who my dad are business-man gave me everything i want or wish.i am handle-ing everything by my own in this day.i take a bus for 25 kilometer everyday to attend my parents are divorce on may sister and my brother are sad about it but we handle it just fine.but since that "divorce things" is sensitive to almost hubby is permanent working in a start on he life or our life.:) .well my life?.i have no scandal at all.i being honest from this day.i change the way i think.and just be "good" in my point of view.well there is a start for new post.

Friday, December 4, 2009

SUNSET date :)

Haha.tadi p just a normal date but i have realy blast fun n full with sweet memory.pagi tdi kami sepatutnya plan pegi jogging di taman rimba.tapi aku tertidur and sofuan tunggu depan rumah punya lama couse aku tertidur.haha.bagus kn aku bikin malu jak.jam 9 pagi baru aku terbangun then tengok phone.kelangkabut aku di buat nya couse kebetulan aku pun x kredit nie.terus kemas
Rumah.mandi bawa emo pi jumbo beli reload.funny o emo pakai payung pegi jumbo jalan kaki.lepas dapat call sofuan.sabar2 jak lh kena mara nie.haha.tapi taw juga lah aku besalah then suru dia p ruma kejap mahu say sorry.sebelum dia balik dia solat zohor dulu di masjid sebelah.syukur lh sofuan solat suda.:-).then aku plan untuk 'tebus kesilapan' aku.bawa dia pegi jogging petang ini.after umi say okie.baru jalan nek motor pegi taman rimba.malu nie aku rasa.entah kenapa.kami panas badan sempat lgi time tue kami bermain.dia suru aku sikut dia,aku dapat nie.haha.kuat o kn aku.then jogging.lepas 1 raound jak aku banyak mulut sudah mau stop.haha.sofuan cakap aku x usaha betul mahu kurus neh.haha.(ada bho).sofuan keep saying dia suka kalo kami dating macam nie jak couse berfaedah.yeah aku pun rasa macam tue.tapi dia betul2 siksa aku time tue o.dia suru pushup lh.suru renggang kan badan btl2 was hell lah.tapi bha.trus kami rest then dia cakap jom pegi tengok sunset d pantai.then aku okie time kami sampai sana.mau terbenam suda matahari lawa o lyke aku tidak pernah tengok sebelum nie.betul apa orang cakap watch sunset with some1 with love its more beautiful.sempat lgi kami pegi beli burger n jus.tapi aku kena marah makan nie.rasa cikit jak! E.dia cakap aku gemuk.jahat kan?.time dia sana tue ada a few org putih main tengok nie.terus sofuan talk bout future.erm.aku nda berapa suka tapi aku tahu apa aku perlu buat.then kami talk jak sampai gelap.kami decide balik tapi sebelum tue singgah pegi 7E beli slupper.yum3x..sofuan hantar sampai ruma after salam dan kiss dahi.terus aku rasa aku rindu sudah dengan dia.haha.aku rasa aku makin suka lah dengan dia.hope dapat jumpa lgi.fin.:-)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I just want to be HAPPY

Ya.deep feeling kan?.apa yang ada dalam hidup sebenarnya?.well sekarang apa yang aku selalu fikir its friend love n future.bukan kita ka yang mengubah nasib kita sendiri?.so kenapa ada SOALAN BODOH yg bertanya KENAPA AKU BERGINI? please now ur self better than any1.aku bukan cakap bout siapa2 sekarang.just upset feelings aku d dalam hati aku nie! .aku buat sesuatu ekut kata2 d hati aku.aku rasa cukup n orang d sekiling aku rasa cukup.but yet yes i do make a mistake!.when we do something tue sebenarnya bukan menunjukan siapa kita sebenarnya tapi CARA kita buat sesuatu yang menunjukan siapa kita.aku rasa orang sekarang lebih memahami macam tue specialy bout feelings kan?..aku tahu apa mungkin terbaik untuk aku.tapi aku juga tahu apa yang aku mahu.its a very thing.macam juga 'berkawan baru bercinta n bercinta baru berkawan' kan??!.aku benci bila aku buat silap.couse rasa diri kau silap lebi teruk dari apa jak! ..ya.gah betul bercakap kan? .macam semua nya betul.choose ur own lah.then u noe what..kadang2 aku langgar semua rules couse i have mine own rules.dalam hidup penuh dengan risiko dan kau perlu tanggung semua tue.kan?..


Its not that i proud of my just 'hate word' in side hati nie.sometyme za benci with things that za cant stop to happen.lyke losing friend lyke dont noe is nel hate za or just raning a way from being friend.nel r very-very good friend to za.hug za when ever za need him.dia nda pernah penting kn diri dia bila dia tau za perlu dia.we need some1 lyke in life.n losing it..that a very sad thing.if kita berkawan girlfriend n boyfriend it a very different thing.maybe sometyme its not hapy time as we wish..just want eu to noe nel.that having eu in my friend even eu dont feel de same way tht i hapy when u around me.i noe things in life change but its not just happen to be us.kalau perasaan eu to me that halang all of this i'm sowie za cant do anything bout it.couse za n nel its perfect not huby n syg or bby n just not us anymore..i love eu as some1 that eu r in my heart n its not will change! Hope eu noe that za still here but maybe im not will be able to change anything..

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

LADY GAGA betul :) byee guyss..

Cherry-Cherry Boom-Boom

Boy we’ve had a real good time and
I wish you the best on your way, eh
I didn’t mean to hurt you
I never thought we’d fall out of place, eh eh

I have something that I love long-long
But my friends keep ah-telling me that something’s wrong
That I miss someone
And eh, there’s nothing else I can say

(Eh, Eh) There’s nothing else I can say
(Eh, Eh) I wish you never looked at me that way
(Eh, Eh) There’s nothing else I can say
(Eh, Eh)

Not that I don’t care about you
Just that things got so complica- eh eh
I met somebody cute and funny
Got each other and that’s funny, eh eh

I have something that I love long-long
But my friends keep ah-telling me that something’s wrong
That I miss someone
And eh, There’s nothing else I can say

(Eh, Eh) There’s nothing else I can say
(Eh, Eh) I wish you never looked at me that way
(Eh, Eh) There’s nothing else I can say
(Eh, Eh)

(Eh, Eh)
I have something that I love long-long
But my friends keep ah-telling me that something’s wrong
That I miss someone
And eh, There’s nothing else I can say
(Eh, Eh)

(Eh, Eh) There’s nothing else I can say
(Eh, Eh) Wish you never looked at me that way
(Eh, Eh) There’s nothing else I can say
(Eh, Eh) Wish you never looked at me that way
(Eh, Eh) There’s nothing else I can say

Cherry-Cherry boom-boom
All I can say is Eh, Eh

Monday, September 7, 2009

rindu JUGRA ka izza :(

huuhhu,rindu.boleh lah juga nie.aku happy dapat balik juga akhirnyaa.aku sebenarnya bersyukur juga lah dapat masuk sana nie,ada juga faedah nyaa.ada juga buruk nya kan.hahaha.jadi manusia juga lah bha masuk sana.nda aada rugi nya juga.banyak yang kita belajar sebenatnya,tapi sendri mau ingat lah macam lepas niee mau guna semua yang di belajar tue dalam hidup sekarang nie.kan :).aku rindu lah dengan kawan2 aku sana,zaza,cin,dats,martha,ain,ct.semua lah.cikgu2 aku.semua tue aku ingat apa cikgu aku buat.jahat dorang.baik dorang.kasih sayang dorang.heii.aku rindu medik.hehehe.balik rumah makan di piring.di sana makan di tray jak.nahh,kenangan tue.tyme balik tue semua aku rasa aku alpha! aku mesti ingat.kami susah payah bersama.menang kalah kami bersama jak! tue lah kami boleh menang komponi terbaik. :).pasal wirawati alpha 1.i miss us.kita gaduh.kita maki hamun.mandi.makan,buat jenayah.semua bersama.kan?.aku rindu kamu semuaaa.:).aku just hope nanti kita jumpaaa lagi :)

Sunday, May 31, 2009

quiz from blogthing ;p

what kind of flirt are you?
You are super flirt.

You love to flirt, so much so that it gets you in trouble.
In almost any situation, you find yourself flirting - even when it's inappropriate.
You tend to embrace all flirting styles too.. from coy to sexy to playful to serious.
And if someone flirts back, you'll crank it up even more!(WOW)

are you approachable?
you are very appoachable.

You can talk to anyone, and it shows. People are eager to start conversations with you.
You are open and friendly. You are willing to connect with almost anyone.
While it's great to be approachable, there is such a thing as too approachable.
Eventually someone will try to take advantage of you. Don't be afraid to say no or end an awkward conversation. :)

does your world revolve around your guys?
Your Life Revolves Around Yourself

There's no chance that you're going to let your guy control you.
You've got your own thing going on - and he's lucky to be a part of it.
And even though he might pressure you to consider his feelings a little more...
He's secretly into how independent you really are. (lol)

how well you understand men?
You Have Your PhD in Men

You understand men almost better than anyone.
You accept that guys are very different, and you read signals well.
Work what you know about men, and your relationships will be blissful. ;p